Sunday, November 27, 2011


I didn't do too great on the mbe questions yesterday. I did relearn a few of the finer points of law though so it isn't a loss. I will do well on the mbe.

I am memorizing and studying my evidence essay approach for the next week. Then I will move on to con law.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My plan

I don't want to lose the edge I have on the mbe so I will do 50 per day with a focus on my week topic EVIDENCE.

I will finally force myself to memorize approaches. I just gotta do it because I am missing too many things.

I will do essays every single day until the bar.

I will read the entire barbri conviser book.

This should take me 2 to 4 hours per day...

Weekdays I will have a hard time finding much more than two hours but I'll do more on weekends.

Friday, November 25, 2011

2nd attempt wasn't the winner:

here's how i did:

conlaw 23
contracts 27
crim 20
evid 15
Prop 26
Torts 26

Raw 137

Scaled 1518

1 - 55
2 - 50
3 - 65
4 - 55
5 - 60
6 - 65
PTA - 65
PTB - 55

Raw 587.5

Scaled 1367.4701

Total Scaled 1420.1556

Friday, August 19, 2011

Open those books! Just in case....

I have started brushing up on my weekday subject... Evidence! Let's have an evidence study day! 4 hours at my office!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's OVER! The 2011 July California Bar Exam

Well that's it!  The last performance exam was pretty tame.  Sure,,, I could have formatted it better and sure,,, my analysis could have been better, but I'm still happy with how I did.  If I didn't pass this time, I'm sure I will be at least close.  Sadly, I can't assume I passed and I need to start some light studying right away JUST IN CASE! 

Congrats to all of you who took the exam with me!  I was in Ontario and had a great time....

Thursday essays - 2011 California Bar Exam

Predictions were good! Community property and professional responsibility! Just as expected! The last essay was an easy real property essay.

One perf exam to go and I don't have to be here again until February! Haha... I hope not,,,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Performance exam part B - 2011 July bar exam

I don't think we will get a standard memo on Thursday. I think it will be a client letter.

Day two is over. CA bar exam

Well... That's overwith! One more day to go!

Exam is 1/2 over. Morning mbe questions were great!

Well.... There were tool loop many tricky questions but I did my best. Maybe it is proof that I don't know some of the subjects as well as I should... We will see!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

MBE Wednesday

Wednesday is the low stress day of the bar exam. Lots of questions but plenty of time. I have done just over six thousand mbe questions. I feel pretty good... Wish I could say I was that prepared for the essays!

Essay predictions

What do YOU predict? Is anyone reading this taking the exam in Ontario?

Taking the Bar Exam in Ontario California

The double tree is right next to the convention center, the rooms are cheap and the parking is free... But guess what??? No wifi in the rooms! It so.... 90's.... Thankfully I have my iPad.

Predictions for Thursday essays - July 2011 Bar Exam - Ontario

It seems like everyone is expecting a professional responsibility and community property essay on Thursday.... Well... I was going to review SOMETHING tonight so I guess I'll do pr. Wish me luck!

Day one performance exam is over!

I hated it but I managed to finish and felt okay about it. I am excited about an exciting day of mbes before going back to another hellacious essay day on Thursday.

Day one essays

Contracts, criminal law and civil procedure. I was weak on the civ pro essay but think I did okay on the others.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Ontario convention center

Tomorrow morning is the big day! I checked in to the Double Tree and I'm reviewing some evidence essays. I'm looking forward to the test and anxious to see if the essays are ones that I know anything about... It will be a tiring three days.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

It is almost time!!!

It is time to do a quick overview of my outlines and review my formats for the performance test... I am far from ready but this will be good practice if nothing else... Wish me luck!

Monday, May 23, 2011

July is too soon!

I will not give up, but July seems too soon to be ready! Sooooooo many things I don't know. . .

I'll just keep up the pace and if July isn't it for me then I'll be more ready for February.

One thing is for sure... My weakest subject, evidence, is already MUCH stronger.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I am reading essays and outlining them before reading the model answers. There is an overwhelming amount of material to brush up on.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I listened to most of the flemming evidence CDs today. I'll finish tomorrow and read a few essays.


I have continual trouble with evidence essays and mbe questions. I will start a new substantive review today of this subject.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

50 mbe per day

I will do 50 mbe questions per day on my iPad. ...not all at once, but throughout the day...

Monday, May 16, 2011


I know I need work on EVERYTHING.... but I DID get 1498 on the MBE thanks to Adaptibar.  I'm going to do 50 MBEs per day between now and the July Exam.  I'll re-read the entire BarBri review books and then I'll do a bunch of essays.  MAYBE that will get me closer to passing.  I suspect that the eight weeks will not be enough for me and I PROMISE to keep studying this time immediately following the July Bar Exam.  I want to be better prepared for the Feb 2012 exam if I fail again.

Any thoughts?

2nd attempt

I did NOT pass the 2011 February Bar.

My TOTAL SCALED SCORE was 1410.  I've got a long way to go.  So...  I'm back to the books!