Sunday, November 27, 2011


I didn't do too great on the mbe questions yesterday. I did relearn a few of the finer points of law though so it isn't a loss. I will do well on the mbe.

I am memorizing and studying my evidence essay approach for the next week. Then I will move on to con law.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My plan

I don't want to lose the edge I have on the mbe so I will do 50 per day with a focus on my week topic EVIDENCE.

I will finally force myself to memorize approaches. I just gotta do it because I am missing too many things.

I will do essays every single day until the bar.

I will read the entire barbri conviser book.

This should take me 2 to 4 hours per day...

Weekdays I will have a hard time finding much more than two hours but I'll do more on weekends.

Friday, November 25, 2011

2nd attempt wasn't the winner:

here's how i did:

conlaw 23
contracts 27
crim 20
evid 15
Prop 26
Torts 26

Raw 137

Scaled 1518

1 - 55
2 - 50
3 - 65
4 - 55
5 - 60
6 - 65
PTA - 65
PTB - 55

Raw 587.5

Scaled 1367.4701

Total Scaled 1420.1556

Friday, August 19, 2011

Open those books! Just in case....

I have started brushing up on my weekday subject... Evidence! Let's have an evidence study day! 4 hours at my office!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's OVER! The 2011 July California Bar Exam

Well that's it!  The last performance exam was pretty tame.  Sure,,, I could have formatted it better and sure,,, my analysis could have been better, but I'm still happy with how I did.  If I didn't pass this time, I'm sure I will be at least close.  Sadly, I can't assume I passed and I need to start some light studying right away JUST IN CASE! 

Congrats to all of you who took the exam with me!  I was in Ontario and had a great time....

Thursday essays - 2011 California Bar Exam

Predictions were good! Community property and professional responsibility! Just as expected! The last essay was an easy real property essay.

One perf exam to go and I don't have to be here again until February! Haha... I hope not,,,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Performance exam part B - 2011 July bar exam

I don't think we will get a standard memo on Thursday. I think it will be a client letter.